Fifteen non-profit organizations were selected to receive the grants; the maximum grant is $2,000.
- Child and Parent Support Services, for expansion of the Healthy Families program;
- Citizen Schools, to create vibrant, hands-on learning experiences for at-risk middle school students;
- Crayons2Calculators, for monthly school-supply giveaways for Durham Public Schools teachers;
- Durham Economic Resource Center, to fund outreach to Durham’s Latino community;
- Durham Literacy Center, for expansion of the Escuela de la Familia, a literacy program for Latino families in Durham;
- Durham Rescue Mission, to provide backpacks filled with school supplies to children at the group’s annual back-to-school party;
- Durham TRY, for the Living in Future Tense program to help teen dads and moms connect with each other in support of their children;
- Genesis Home, for an expansion of their after-school tutoring and mentoring program for school age children at the shelter for homeless families;
- i4m, for the Innovation for Motivation Scholarship program to provide intersession programming for low-income students at Chewning Middle School;
- New Horizons Academy of Excellence and The Reality Center, for a grant to integrate the two facilities to serve at-risk youth;
- SeeSaw Studio, for the expansion of their Youth Designer Mentoring Program;
- TROSA, for expansion of TROSA Grocery's product selection;
- Urban Ministries of Durham, for the Suds for the Shelter project, to purchase supplies for the community shelter's laundry room;
- Voices Together, for the expansion of the Little Voices program to support therapeutic choral groups for young children with developmental disabilities;
- YO: Durham, for expansion of the YO: Durham Parent Academy.